Propono Tax Blog

Your Go-To Resource For All Things Tax

When we’re not busy resolving tax problems, we’re tirelessly learning everything we can about tax resolution. From the latest tax news, tips, to how-to’s, we’ve got all the resources you need to support you during your tax troubles.

The Importance of Filing Back Taxes and How to Get Started

Filing back taxes is crucial for maintaining financial health and compliance with IRS regulations. Unfiled tax returns can lead to severe consequences, including penalties, interest, and even legal actions. If you have unfiled tax returns, it’s important to address the situation promptly. Here’s…

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Non-Cash Charitable Contributions: Insights from a Recent Tax Court Case

Non-cash charitable contributions can be a valuable way to support causes you care about while also receiving tax benefits. However, the rules surrounding these contributions are complex, and failure to comply with IRS requirements can lead to disallowed deductions. A recent tax court case…

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Dealing with a Tax Lien: What You Need to Know and Do

Receiving a notice of a tax lien from the IRS can be a stressful experience. A tax lien is a legal claim by the government against your property due to unpaid tax debt. It can affect your credit, your ability to sell property, and even your business operations. Understanding what a tax lien is, how…

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Navigating Marriage, Divorce, and Tax Resolution

Life changes such as marriage and divorce can significantly impact your tax situation. Whether you’re newly married, going through a divorce, or have experienced IRS tax troubles in the past, understanding how these events affect your taxes is crucial. This guide will help you navigate the…

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Maximizing Deductions: Tax-Saving Tips for Small Business Owners

Running a small business comes with many challenges, especially if you’ve faced IRS tax troubles in the past. One of the best ways to ensure you stay on top of your financial obligations and avoid future issues is by maximizing your tax deductions. By taking advantage of all available deductions,…

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State vs. Federal Tax Issues: Key Differences and How to Handle Each

Navigating tax issues can be challenging, especially when dealing with both state and federal taxes. Understanding the key differences between state and federal tax issues and how to handle each can save you time, money, and stress. In this blog post, we will explore the distinctions between state…

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